Healthy Lunch Boxes

We believe eating well is important for children’s health and development.
A healthy, enjoyable lunch gives children the energy they need to learn, play and do well at nursery.

Recently published statistics reveal that 1 in 12 local children entering Reception Year are obese, and by Year Six, this rises to 1 child in 5.

Because of this, we are working towards teaching the children about a healthy lifestyle, which includes healthy eating and would appreciate your help.

Good Habits Start Young!

We are actively discouraging children bringing:

  • Crisps and other savoury snacks
  • Pastry products such as sausage rolls or pastries
  • Chocolate or chocolate covered bars
  • Cakes, biscuits and cookies
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Sweets

For the health and safety of our children, we DO NOT allow the following in our nursery:

  • Glass bottles or ring pull cans
  • Flasks (with hot or cold contents)
  • Swapping food (due to allergies)
  • Nuts (due to allergies and choking risk)

Some practical tips:

  • If you make up a lunch box the night before, store it in the fridge
  • Vary the sort of bread you use - cut wholemeal pitta bread into strips to have with dip
  • Cold cooked pasta can easily be turned into a pasta salad. Remember to store in the fridge!
  • Put some salad in a small bag or tub.
  • Encourage your child to help prepare their lunch - children are more likely to eat something they have helped with!

What shall I put in my child’s lunch box?

A good variety of foods that fit into different food groups will help your child to eat a balanced lunch providing the energy they need to enjoy nursery.
Ideally, a healthy lunchbox will contain one item from each of the food groups: carbohydrate; fruit/vegetable; meat/fish or alternative; and dairy.

Remember, a portion is the amount that will fit into a child’s cupped hand.

Carbohydrate foods
Foods like bread, pasta, rice, chapatti or couscous. A sandwich or some cooked rice would be good choices from this food group. Foods in this group are versatile and healthy with -

Meat, fish or alternatives
Cold meat, tinned fish, boiled egg or houmous are good options to put in sandwiches or have with pasta plus -

Dairy products
Dairy foods are particularly important for growing children as they are a good source of calcium, needed for bone development and teeth. Good sources of calcium are milk, cheese and yoghurt and -

Fruit and vegetables
It is important we all eat lots of variety from this group - at least 5 portions a day. Aim to include two portions; a child’s portion might be the amount of food that would fit into your child’s hand.

Fatty and sugary foods or drinks
Try and avoid including items from this group – a small amount will be hidden in foods for example the margarine, mayonnaise on a sandwich or added sugar in a fruit yoghurt.

Lunch box ideas

  • Ham sandwich, small bag of salad (tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion and salad leaves) fruit yoghurt and a banana
  • Cold cooked pasta mixed with tinned tuna, sweetcorn, grated carrot and baby spinach. An apple and a cheese slice
  • Cold couscous and chicken pieces (include some cooked vegetables or salad) small box of raisins and a fruit yoghurt
  • Cooked meat and chapattis with a yoghurt dip, onion and cucumber rathia. Slice of melon
  • Cheese and pickle sandwich, cherry tomatoes and small tub of tinned pineapple chunks
  • Potted meat sandwich, small tub of salad (tomatoes, cucumber, spring onion and salad leaves) small carton of milk and a pear
  • A cold slice of pizza, carrot, celery and cucumber cut into sticks with a hummus dip. Dried apricots and a yoghurt
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